A deep tissue massage is an incredible way to relieve your sore or fatigued muscles. Deep tissue massages can transform the way you feel, whether you have chronic pain or spend hours a day sitting at a desk or behind the wheel of a car. Here are five reasons you should get a deep tissue massage at Colibri Day Spa:
1. Pain Reduction
A deep tissue massage relieves tense and sore muscles. These muscles cause notable discomfort throughout the day. When these muscles are relieved, you can go about your day to day life without pain. Deep tissue massages increase blood flow to the area of pain and kick start the healing process. Increased blood flow can help reduce inflammation as well.
2. Stress Reduction
A registered massage therapist uses lotions and pressure during a deep tissue massage. The lotion and pressure are used to completely relax the muscles closer to the surface. This allows the deeper muscles to be reached. You can lay down and relax and let your massage therapist do all the work. This can get rid of the stress you’ve been carrying around.
3. Improved Blood Pressure
Did you know a deep tissue massage can improve blood pressure? When you are relaxed and relieved of stress and tension, your blood pressure can improve. These massages also increase serotonin production, which can make you feel happier!
4. Break Up of Scar Tissue
Scar tissue is a contributing factor to pain and tension, and a deep tissue massage can break up this scar tissue. Additionally, a deep tissue massage can improve flexibility and cause lymphatic drainage and circulation. These benefits can help those who are recovering from surgery.
5. Rehabilitation of Injured Muscles
If you’ve suffered an injury to your muscles, consider a deep tissue massage. This type of massage relaxes the muscles and helps get oxygen and nutrients flowing through your body. This reduces pain and regulates your internal body.
Chase away all your tension spots and schedule a deep tissue massage with Colibri Day Spa & Beauty Shop! To schedule your appointment, visit our website or give us a call at 941-800-1818 today!